Focusgroep Modern Cloud Architecture (MCA) uitgelicht!

Geschreven door VNSG | 19-2-2024

Het idee van een VNSG-focusgroep over Cloud architectuur komt van Ruud Blommaert. Hij had een simpele en tegelijk slimme gedachtegang: binnen de VNSG zijn ruim 8000 SAP experts van ongeveer 700 verschillende bedrijven met elkaar verbonden. Als we de kennis, de ervaring, de uitdagingen en de mogelijkheden over SAP en de Moderne Cloud architectuur kunnen samenbrengen, zonder commerciële drive, dan biedt dat een grote toegevoegde waarde voor eenieder in dit vakgebied.

Het idee is ondertussen omgezet tot een echte VNSG Focusgroep met een groeiende groep deelnemers. Een combinatie tussen Nederlandstalig en niet-Nederlandstalig. Net zoals het vakgebied, gaan architectuur en Cloud de grens over en verder dan de Nederlandse taal. So it was a normal decision that our Special Interest Group would communicate in English. And therefore this text will continue in English.


Our Special Interest Group Modern Cloud Architecture (MCA) aims to share knowledge and experience on SAP and the Modern Architecture, on-prem, private cloud, public cloud, and hybrid cloud. Every organization who uses SAP is facing some new and interesting architecture challenges. Move towards the cloud, which one, why?. Is on-premises still an option? Do I opt for a hybrid solution? And what choices are possible? What are the advantages and disadvantages, the possibilities of cloud? What are best practices? And many other topics that may be of interest to the members.

At the moment we have a team of four people to arrange the tasks and actions of the group: Arjan Lensen – Tata Steel, Sridhar Kannepalli - Rabobank, Bas van der Poel – Basis Cloud Solutions and Ruud Blommaert – Red Hat. We have various roles within the organizations we work for.


Arjan Lensen works as a Service Manager SAP at Tata Steel. For Arjan it just makes sense to help share experience and knowledge. Tata Steel has SAP in, what we call, an on-prem situation. So meeting my peers on SAP Architecture will help me and my team prepare for the possible choices to make.

Sridhar Kannepalli is a Solution Architect SAP Banking at Rabobank. While Rabobank migrated to Azure over the past period, Sridhar gained a lot of experience and knows he can still learn from other organizations as others can learn from what Sridhar dis and does at Rabobank.

Bas van der Poel works at Basis Cloud Solutions on the marketing and sales globally. He sees organizations searching for experience and knowledge on SAP and Cloud. As every organization is unique, sharing experience helps all involved to grow and have more success.

Ruud Blommaert is the SAP Business Development Manager EMEA at Red Hat and has been associated with the VNSG for a long time already. Sharing information and connecting people and organizations is what Ruud does. This group seemed the right thing to do, I am happy with all the positive feedback! Let’s make this a success and connect as many as possible!

For the year 2024 we aim to show whether this group has enough interest, topics and meetings to continue. We want to organize at least three meetings this year, and of course we want to have an ‘SAP on Cloud’ session at the VNSG & SAP ‘Together we grow’ on March 28 in Hilversum.

Together with the participating members we have drafted a list of topics we will address the coming years. Now we have over 20 big topics listed, and every connect we add new topics to that list. This group is for and by the members, and it is a very enthusiastic group with contacts from every industry and size in the Netherlands.


To anyone who is a member of the VNSG and interested in Modern Cloud Architecture, please join if you are interested to share knowledge and learn from your peers. It is always an interesting discussion if / how SAP should join. We want members who take on their VNSG-role and add value in knowledge and experience sharing….same for SAP.

Here is our link toward the group page. If you are interested in this topic, please feel free to join!


Our first session is being organized; we will come with more information soon.

Many thanks & see you soon!

Arjan, Sridhar, Ruud & Bas