Blog 1 - Digital Access Adoption at Johnsonville

Written by VNSG | 21-10-2019

De VNSG werkt samen met andere SAP gebruikersverenigingen in het SAP User Group Executive Network (SUGEN). Een van de onderwerpen op de agenda is natuurlijk indirect gebruik/digital access. Via SUGEN werden wij geattendeerd op Ron Gilson, bestuurslid van de Amerikaanse gebruikersvereniging ASUG en CIO van Johnsonville, die in een blogserie zijn ervaringen met anderen deelt. Lees hier zijn eerste blog.

Over the past two and a half years I have had the privilege of serving on the ASUG Board of Directors. As a member of the ASUG team, I’ve had the opportunity to work with SAP and other global user groups addressing the SAP indirect access issue. The SAP digital access license model and the recently announced Digital Access Adoption Program were the result of collaborative efforts between SAP and ASUG.

My involvement in this work, in combination with my experience as Johnsonville’s CIO for more than 20 years, provides me the opportunity to share our review of indirect access as a business case for other companies to learn from as we evaluate and potentially adopt the digital access model.

In a series of blogs starting with this one, I will document our journey as we analyze indirect access, the impact of digital access licensing, and the pros and cons of adopting the new licensing model. By the time I get through the third or fourth blog, it’s possible that we may decide that digital access is not in Johnsonville’s best interest. At this point, however, I simply don’t have the answers I need to make an informed decision either way.

I will use this first installment of the series to provide some background and lay out our high-level approach to the process. So, hang in there—this should be an interesting ride.